Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dayne Wrestles (Nacho Libre Style.)

So Dayne has pretty much wrestled his whole high school career. Given the fact that he's a senior and he's at the State Championship in Nampa this weekend, I decided to go watch a match. I'm not big into wrestling. You know, the grunting, the tight outfits, the slamming of bodies to the mats, it just isn't my thing. But then it happened -- I got bit by the wrestling bug. I'm sure there are actual names for these moves, I just don't know them. So the match begins. Dayne out of the gate gets his guy on the ground. He's trying to pin him and he's getting out of it. Me yelling, "Come on, Dayne." Guy is out of bounds and they start from the middle and guy is on ground with Dayne standing over him. Me yelling, "Go Dayne!" They start again. Guy gets Dayne on the ground. Me yelling, "Come on, Dayne. You can do it!" Dayne is still on the ground, but guy hasn't pinned him. Me yelling, "HIT HIM DAYNE. BITE HIM." Okay, not really. Dayne gets out from underneath the grasps of death and pins him. I jumped up screaming and yelling, "Way to go, Dayne. Wahooooo." It was so dang exciting. He got beat last night, but then wrestled again this morning at 10 and won. He is now wrestling for 3rd place. I'm so proud of Dayne. L-e-t-s G-o, Let's Go, Let's Go. L-e-t-s G-o, Let's Go DAYNE! Leg kick!


  1. Update: Dayne took 3rd at the State Championship Wrestling. Good job, Dayne!

  2. You are so funny! I can see you at the tourney, yelling and screaming and thrashing around like you were the one on the mat. Admit it; you were, weren't you? I love it!

  3. Good job Dayne!! That is awesome. I can totally see you and hear you in your cheerleader outfit saying that cheer. Oh how I love you, you always make me laugh!!

  4. It was awesome having you there!
