Well, this morning when I awoke I decided that I would do a little cleaning and laundry in between working. So I gathered up my laundry and headed downstairs. I found water (what I thought). So I called up my property management company and said, "I don't know if this qualifies as an 'emergency', but I've got water in my basement." The lady said, "How much?" I said, "Well, there's about an inch and in some places more." She said she would have the plumber contact me. Within five minutes the plumber called. "What's the problem?" he said. I told him what was going on, and he said "I'll be there in a few hours." "Okay. Great." So I did my dishes and started kinda straightening up my place. My house was in need of attention since I've been ignoring it because I've been so busy with work and I wanted to make a good impression of how clean I was -- I just shut my bedroom doors and bathroom, I mean, why would he need to go in there? It was the basement that had the problem.
After I had finished tiding up the living room and kitchen I went downstairs to assess the situation. HOLY SHIT BALLS OF FIRE the water was deeper and spreading to the back wall where my stuff was. I called up Scoe and asked him if he could come help me move my stuff from the basement to outside or something. He said, "Look around and tell me what you see?" I said, "Water." He's like, "Are you sure it's water?" I'm thinking to myself at that moment, well, it does smell like poo. I walk over to the drain and sure as shit (literally) was tp and poo. I just about threw up. I yelled, "It's shit! It's shit! Holy Shit." He's like "Come and get me and call your plumber and get him over there now."
I call up the plumber and said, "Um, so the situation has changed now. There's poo downstairs." He quickly said, "I will load up my truck and be there soon." I run and get Scoe and he assesses the situation. He's like I think your stuff will be fine, but let's scoot it all the way to the back and throw down some bad towels.
By this time the plumber comes and assesses the situation. "Well, I ain't got that big 'a snake. I'm gunna have to call my buddy." The buddy doesn't come for an hour. Well, buddy comes and assesses the situation and cracks out his industrial-sized snake. It took them to take off my back door and grunt to get this, what looked like, 150-pound snake on a metal rack with wheels that took 2 people to get it downstairs. After working at it for an hour they decided that it wasn't working and decided to go upstairs to the bathroom. Now, remember, I decided to shut every door upstairs because they hadn't been cleaned yet. But then the thought occurred to me, plumbers are only called when there's something havoc going on -- they've surely seen worse. So they take the toilet out and go at it that way. Almost 80 feet, they said, almost to the street was my clog. Something that had been waiting to happen for 10 years. After they put everything back, I notice their footprints and hand prints all over my house -- People, it's Poo. It's not dirt, it's POOOOOOOP. I have been cleaning this afternoon shaking my head, getting mad, swearing, but then I think on the bright side..... My house doesn't have that old musty dirty sewage smell anymore, wa-hoo!!!!