Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dayne Wrestles (Nacho Libre Style.)

So Dayne has pretty much wrestled his whole high school career. Given the fact that he's a senior and he's at the State Championship in Nampa this weekend, I decided to go watch a match. I'm not big into wrestling. You know, the grunting, the tight outfits, the slamming of bodies to the mats, it just isn't my thing. But then it happened -- I got bit by the wrestling bug. I'm sure there are actual names for these moves, I just don't know them. So the match begins. Dayne out of the gate gets his guy on the ground. He's trying to pin him and he's getting out of it. Me yelling, "Come on, Dayne." Guy is out of bounds and they start from the middle and guy is on ground with Dayne standing over him. Me yelling, "Go Dayne!" They start again. Guy gets Dayne on the ground. Me yelling, "Come on, Dayne. You can do it!" Dayne is still on the ground, but guy hasn't pinned him. Me yelling, "HIT HIM DAYNE. BITE HIM." Okay, not really. Dayne gets out from underneath the grasps of death and pins him. I jumped up screaming and yelling, "Way to go, Dayne. Wahooooo." It was so dang exciting. He got beat last night, but then wrestled again this morning at 10 and won. He is now wrestling for 3rd place. I'm so proud of Dayne. L-e-t-s G-o, Let's Go, Let's Go. L-e-t-s G-o, Let's Go DAYNE! Leg kick!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Aahh, the power of Pine Sol

After cleaning my new place for practically a week off and on, I realized that I had gone through a whole bottle of Pine Sol. Do you know how much I love, love, love cleaning products? And especially ones that smell good where you can tell you've cleaned and it smells so fresh and so clean, clean. Yeah, I do. Call me crazy, but I love the smell of a clean house. My favorite cleaning products are: Murphy's Soap, Orange Glow (Orange smell) Hardwood Floor Cleaner, Lime Away (it's toxic, but man can it clean a toilet bowel just by spraying and let soaking), Pine Sol, Pledge for dusting, Windex (some people use Vinegar, but come on, Windex ROCKS), Green Scrubbies, Scrubbing Bubbles for shower tile, Comet or Ajax for actual tub. And yes, I even have more cleaning supplies down below my sink, but those are just a few.
I don't know if it's because I used all my elbow grease and blood (yes, I cut myself) to fixing the washing machine and dryer, but it's almost as if my clothes are that much cleaner and fluffier. It puts a smile on my face to know I did this. I made this stinky, dirty, grimy house a home.

Monday, February 21, 2011

New Place

I thought that since I have pretty much settled in, I would take a few pictures and post them.
The first picture closest to the writing is where you first walk into my house.
Next picture up from writing is the living room and dining room to the right when you walk into the house.
After coming around the corner from the dining room to the left is my small little kitchen.
Then after going through the kitchen you go down a couple stairs and you can either go outside or, next picture, down the stairs into the basement.
Let me tell you a little something about this basement. First of all, it hadn't been cleaned since the owner was living here in 1953 (unknown is the date, but it was NASTY). There was so much dirt, trash, and, yes, even dinosaur poo -- okay, I think it was actually cat poo, but it was so dry and disgusting that I know it must have been there A LONG TIME. It took me 6 hours just to clean the basement, washing machine inside and out, and dryer. My dryer door is broken so I just lean a chair up against it to keep it shut. I was afraid to turn on my dryer until I had taken it apart from the back and vacuumed the whole thing, including the vent thingy and screwed the back back on. And I had 2 leaks with the washing machine, which I fixed myself -- yea, you can go ahead and call me Ms. Bob Villa.
On with the pictures and back upstairs. ....
Once you enter my house, if you go to the left there is my room (with Gussie looking so snuggled on the bed.)
My tinny, tiny bathroom. Actually, I get ready at my kitchen island because there's no room in the bathroom. I do my hair and my makeup right there in the living room.
And finally my office (top picture.)
So there you have it. In the words of Ty Pennington "Welcome Home Ward Family, Welcome Home." (By the way, I hate Ty Pennington.)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Let me just start off by saying that anytime I start out a conversation to my mom or my sisters, "I've got a confession," they tense up or say, "Oh, great, what is it?" So, I've got a confession: YEP, you guessed it, I caved in and bought a pack of cigarettes late Sunday. I smoked them that night, I smoked them on Monday. By Monday afternoon, I didn't feel too good. I had a headache, my throat was bothering me, and the worst of it, my lungs were getting tighter and tighter by the minute. I crushed the remaining five or six and got in the shower, washed my bedding and had to go buy a new toothbrush because all I could do was smell it -- and I smelled it everywhere. After being back on the wagon today I was hoping to feel better, but my lungs are still as tight as they were yesterday. Let's just put it this way, I really think I am done smoking for the rest of my life. Up and up and up I go, high ho! I can do anything, and everything will work out, and this too shall pass.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Really? There's more?

So they say that death comes in 3, what happens when shit happens over and over and over? Is it called bad luck? After putting up a fence yesterday at my new place, I was feeling pretty good about things. I'm moving this coming Saturday, I've got the movers ready. I'm cleaning up this house on the following Monday, have helpers coming. Have given an $800 deposit, not including the partial rent for the remaining month, paid half a month for Jade's house, paid $150 for the fence, still have to get a door for the other place for the dogs, then you've got the dentist bill and all the medical bills and the emergency computer crash bill, but let's throw in the mix a "check engine" light. I mean, how much shit does one have to wade through before things start to look up? I've almost given up, thrown in the towel, raised a white flag, whatever way you want to put it, I'm D-O-N-E!!!!!!!!!!!