Sunday, February 6, 2011

Really? There's more?

So they say that death comes in 3, what happens when shit happens over and over and over? Is it called bad luck? After putting up a fence yesterday at my new place, I was feeling pretty good about things. I'm moving this coming Saturday, I've got the movers ready. I'm cleaning up this house on the following Monday, have helpers coming. Have given an $800 deposit, not including the partial rent for the remaining month, paid half a month for Jade's house, paid $150 for the fence, still have to get a door for the other place for the dogs, then you've got the dentist bill and all the medical bills and the emergency computer crash bill, but let's throw in the mix a "check engine" light. I mean, how much shit does one have to wade through before things start to look up? I've almost given up, thrown in the towel, raised a white flag, whatever way you want to put it, I'm D-O-N-E!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I think you are going through all this so we can all be more grateful. So thanks for helping me feel grateful. :) I'm so SORRY that you have to go through all this!!!

  2. Maybe Debra can buy you a Symphony Bar, that's what she does for me. It's really great at dulling the pain. :)
