Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Ending to Diary of a Mad Court Reporter

Dear Diary: As I awoke to a 5:00 alarm on Tuesday morning, I did not want to get up. In fact, I couldn't think for a minute why in the world my alarm was even going off so early -- I hit snooze... 3 minutes later my alarm goes off again... why is it going off again? Now I'm awake. I have to go do Volume 5 of crazy lady in Ontario.
We get going... wow, it's going pretty good. She's answering the questions. What's the catch? Something's gotta give, right? Nope... Lunchtime. The attorney, we will call him Garth. Garth, decides that on the last day we should go ahead and have lunch together. We've eaten at this place in the hotel four times, but at different tables because we've had an "obligation" to sit apart. He spills the beans. Come to find out that the reason we've gone into such depths with this lady is because she's had a prior insurance claim and she's claimed the same things in 2005.
We went over a document from 2005 -- unbeknownst to her -- and she was like yep, that's the same outfit, yep that's the same keyboard, yep that's my tv and vcr and dvd... yep, yep, yep, yep, yep...... having no clue that's she's just sunk her own ship. The insurance company is putting together a criminal fraud charge for her, and the more she went into details, the merrier. It's like I just finished a novel of being bored out of my mind and then all of a sudden there comes a twist in the story and I'm glued to the book for 4 hours until we finish. 4:30, we're done... I actually had one of the biggest smiles on my face knowing that this has got to be the longest Examination Under Oath in history, this lady ain't gettin a dime and I've got 760 pages to still complete (it was bitter sweet.)
Crazy: So can I have your phone number?
Me: I have yours in case for spellings.
Crazy: I just feel like you're a really nice person and someone fun to hang out with.
Me: Oh, that's so nice. I don't know what the policy is on giving witness my phone numbers. I don't think it would be a good idea to "hang out."
Crazy: I feel like we've just gotten to know each other over the course of this thing.
(What I wanted to say) Lady, you know nothing about me.... I know everything about you.... NO I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND, YOU'RE CRAZY!!!
Me: Well, if I have any questions, I'll give you a call. Good luck with your case.
After some long intense days the total page count is over 1,300 pages..... luckily, I get paid per page! Can I get a whoop whoop?


  1. This whole series is AWESOME! Made me laugh so hard!

  2. I loved these posts as well. I'm glad you don't have to get up so early now!
