Monday, January 24, 2011

Bite it 'till it bleeds.

It got worse. My job today was last-minute, only supposed to go for a couple hours (I got another 170 pages.) I had the rush that had to go out today by 2:00 and here I was stuck in a job with a man who kept saying you know, and I was like, and she was like and this is how it went, dah, dah, dah...... I bit my tongue about 10 times today. I wanted to smack this man upside the head and say, "Really?" My mom always said, "Bite your tongue." When I would say, "Mom, I did bite my tongue." She would say, "Bite it 'till it bleeds." Let me just thung is tho thor.

1 comment:

  1. oh Mol I'm so sorry!! Hang in there. Praying for blue skys in February for you. Love ya!!!
