Thursday, March 4, 2010

Got food?

When it's raining outside, don't you just want to curl up in your bed or make some cookies and eat the whole batch? Yeah, me too. Only I want to eat and eat and eat and eat and eat not just cookies, but pasta, cheese, ice cream, pancakes, eggs, hmm a Twix sounds good, too. But then I ask myself, "Do you really want to be healthy (okay, really the word here is skinny) and have a good life? or do you want to be fat and have a semi good life and enjoy the bounties of unhealthy foods?" Well, right now on day 5 of my diet, I want to be fat and live a semi good life..... hopefully my thoughts will improve soon or else I won't make it.


  1. That really made me laugh!! Don't stop now I'm sure it will get easier, just don't stop. When you are tempted just think "Debra told me I can't stop" You go girl!!!

  2. Funny post Molly! Hang in there!!! Everytime it rains I feel like making cinnamon rolls and I usually do! I know exactly what you are talking about!

  3. I love your blog. It makes me smile every time I read it. Your boys are sooooo cute by the way!
